About rabbitea.rs

rabbitea.rs is a discussion and link-sharing platform designed to foster meaningful conversations and knowledge sharing. Our platform combines robust features with a thoughtfully curated, human forward community approach.

What should I share here?

At this moment in time we have a looser theme then other similar sites. Share what you find interesting, life changing, frustrating - or anything in between. Our community leans towards the esoteric and strange in many cases.

Core Features

User Authentication & Security

Our platform employs a robust security system centered around proof-of-work captcha protection for critical access points. This system requires users to complete computational challenges during login and registration attempts, effectively preventing automated attacks while ensuring genuine users can access the platform smoothly.

To maintain the quality and integrity of our community, we've implemented an invitation-only registration system. This careful approach ensures that new members are vouched for by existing users, creating a self-moderating ecosystem that naturally preserves our community standards and culture. The best way to get an invite is to check our users listing and reach out to someone you know in real life who is already a member.

The platform features a sophisticated hierarchical tracking system that visualizes invitation lineages. This allows users to see how the community has grown through their invitations, creating transparent accountability while fostering a sense of responsibility among members who bring in new users. The visual representation helps admins and users understand the community's growth patterns and identify particularly active or successful inviters.

Using Site Features

Markdown Formatting

Our platform supports rich text formatting using Markdown syntax. Here are the key formatting options:

# Heading 1
## Heading 2
### Heading 3

*italic text* or _italic text_
**bold text** or __bold text__
[Link text](https://example.com)
![Image alt text](image-url.jpg)

- Bullet point
- Another point
  - Nested point

1. Numbered list
2. Second item

> Blockquote text

def hello_world():
    print("Hello, World!")

For embedding YouTube videos, simply use the video URL as your submission url:


MathJax/LaTeX Support

You can include mathematical expressions using LaTeX syntax:

$$\sum_{n=1}^{\infty} \frac{1}{n^2} = \frac{\pi^2}{6}$$

Common LaTeX symbols and structures:

Voting Algorithm

Our voting system helps surface quality content and rewards valuable contributions:

User Verification

Verified status indicates verifiably human membders who have met specific criteria:

RSS Feeds

We provide RSS feeds to help you stay updated with the latest content. Our RSS implementation supports both general and category-specific feeds:

Each RSS feed entry includes:

To subscribe, simply copy the feed URL into your preferred RSS reader. Look for the RSS icon ( ) next to category listings and on the main page.

Community Guidelines

Our platform values thoughtful discussion, respect for all members, and the sharing of knowledge. The invitation-only system helps maintain these standards by ensuring new members understand and appreciate our community's values.

Our guidelines are simple - share what you find interesting, don't be an asshole. The moderation team can remove any content that violates these guidelines.