Body - cross posted

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"Nice" doesn't seem like the right word but I think this article is really nice, I think there is a lot of love and care in it that makes me happy, even if its subject matter is difficult. Just something it made me think about was Fuller and Weizman's book Investigative Aesthetics, which, among other things, describes how different entities are capable of "sensing", and how accessing those sensory arrays gives us a new perception of the world, that can generate new affiliations and understandings. I think that is really interesting to reflect on here, how our own bodies are "sensed" in different ways. I know sometimes I sense my body through the way a shirt feels across my abdomen, or sometimes through the pain in my scapula, or through a laugh. I'm not sure if there is a big takeaway here, but I think your points about sensing and being sensed are really interesting and important, especially in the realm of identity creation.